As A Guest, What Can You Expect?

An unfamiliar place may be intimidating. So let us walk you through our service, as we hope to make you feel welcome and more comfortable as you honor us with your presence. 

Our Visitors' desk in the foyer, has a welcome pack with more information on our church family.  We'd love to show you around and help you get to your class.  

Don't forget to pick up a bulletin! These weekly handouts include information on our upcoming events and give updates on ways you can get involved. 

The Setting

We believe the church is the people and not the building. For this reason, we could meet anywhere. But for the sake of convenience, we have a building available for our assemblies. As you enter the auditorium you will see the rows of pews. There are no reserved seats, so feel free to sit anywhere you would like. 

For Growing Families: If you would feel more comfortable, we have a quiet room (with access from the foyer) which allows nursing mothers and families with young kids a place to participate in our worship with a bit more privacy.  We also offer an attended nursery for littles through age 2 and our Children's church program dismisses during our services and is designed for all kids from age 3 through 2nd grade. 


One unique thing about our worship service is our singing is "a cappella", or without the use of musical instruments. We believe God should be the focus of our worship as He is the sole audience. We want to be an assembly of people who together lift up their voices in praise to God. This was the ecclesiastical practice of the worship assembly for most of the first thousand years of church history and we encourage everyone to participate together in praise and love for God.

Lord's Supper

Communion is a memorial ordained by Jesus the night before He was crucified. Plates with unleavened bread and cups of grape juice will be passed throughout the assembly.  (Gluten free options are available at the Visitors' Desk in the foyer.)

These emblems symbolize the body and the blood of Jesus as He died on the cross for our sins. You are welcome to participate or just pass the plate to the person sitting next to you. 

Some Other Things to Expect

Prayer - We believe in the power and importance of prayer and when the prayer is led, we believe we are invited into the very throne room of God. Various men in our congregation will lead us in prayer during our time together.  On Sunday mornings, we have a special prayer from one of our elders during the Shepherd's Prayer. 

Preaching - We know the power of God's Word and the importance of relating it to peoples' lives. We hope each week's sermon will help bring you to a closer walk with Father.  We often have a sermon outline on the back of our bulletin where you can take notes and fill in the blanks as you follow along. 
Kids - take your completed bulletin to Rocky after service and pick out a candy!

Connect - We'd love to have a record of your visit and we ask that everyone who attends our Sunday morning worship service complete one of the navy blue "Connect" cards that you will find in the pews.  Our "Next Steps" and "Prayer Request" cards are available in that same area. 
Please place these completed cards in the third, collection tray that is passed during our service. 

Offering - Plates will be passed among our members to collect the weekly financial offering. As our guest, you are not expected to make a contribution.
Feel free to pass the plate on down the row. Don't forget to add your Connect card! 

Invitation - At the end of the sermon, the preacher will extend an invitation to anyone needing support or prayer. An elder, minister, and additional support will meet you down front and help with your request.  Don't feel obligated to respond, but the opportunity is there for all!

Welcome Home, Friend! 
We look forward to getting to know you!